fun factory parties

Trackless Train rentals for kid’s birthday parties!


All aboard the Kid’s Party Express – whooo whoooo!

Trackless Train Rentals and Rent a Train for kid’s birthday parties are the hottest NEW item for children’s birthday parties and school events! Kid’s LOVE to ride on these fun, colorful and safe trackless train rides. It’s a great activity for a whole group of children to do together. Mom and Dad can ride, too!

Trackless train kids party equipment rentals are the next big idea for children’s party rentals! If you are looking for kids party rentals anywhere in California or the U.S. give us a call! Party rentals for kids trackless train ride can be delivered to any children’s parties! You can rent a kids party trackless train anywhere in California including Orange County or San Jose as well as for kids parties rentals in San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Beverly Hills or anywhere you are planning a party for kids and want to add some FUN party ideas!

Trackless train rentals for kids come in a variety of fun shapes and styles, from multi – colored choo choo train themes to super – cool race-cars. Both boys and girls love to ride inside these kid – friendly trackless party trains for children’s birthday parties.

It’s easy to rent one of our fun and easy trackless train or trackless race cars for your child’s next birthday party or children’s event! Our kid’s party trackless trains come with all staff (including your friendly conductor!) . We take care of all delivery, set up, and insure the fun and safety of all the children at your party.

Kid’s Party Trackless Trains can accomodate children up to ages 12, or maximum weight of 115 lbs. Passengers can ride two or three at a time. Also, many of our kid’s party trains can be decorated in special party themes, such as Christmas, Construction theme, Holiday, Bob the Builder or other popular kid’s party themes.

2 hour party train rental is $620. Travel charges may apply. Please call for details on setup, delivery, pricing, etc.

Kid’s party trains and trackless racecars can be rented anywhere there is a flat surface. We can set up our trackless train or race cars on concrete or grass (concrete surface is preferred). All of our kid’s party train conductors are certified for driver safety, and all of our cars are given regularly scheduled cleaning and safety checks.
We look forward to helping make your party great!

Trackless Trains need to be set up on a flat surface, concrete is preferred. We can operate on any city street or park, as long as the city you are in or park allows it. Please check with your park if you are planning on renting a trackless train. We can operate the train on a grade of 5% or lower.
Rent a Trackless Train for your next children’s birthday party or kid’s event! Makes a great rental for schools, libraries, parks or homes!

Kids all over America love riding on these fun, friendly and safe Trackless Trains! Renting a Trackless Train for your next children’s birthday party or special event has never been easier! FUNFACTORYPARTIES.COM can bring a children’s birthday party train ride to your home, park or place of business. We also provide a friendly and professional train conductor to operate the train. Your Kid’s Party Train conductor will help insure that all the kids have a great time at your event!
We can deliver our Trackless Train rides for children’s parties anywhere! If you are in California, we can deliver to Los Angeles or Orange County, as well as in San Diego. If you are planning a children’s party in Northern California, our train rentals are available in San Jose, San Francisco and Sacramento. Feel free to call us at 888 501 FUN to discuss your train rental options, or email us for a quote. One of our professional party planning operators will respond right away!