FUNFACTORYPARTIES.COM provides a simple and easy way for you to spruce up your event or party whether your interested in having chracters from Elmo to the Cookie Monster come straight to your party themselves as long as your in the California area. Our costumed characters can keep children captivated with music, games songs and toys along with all of their associated friends such as Big Bird, The Cookie Monster and other notable television icons as well. Kids and toddlers ages one to 8 are the ideal age to enjoy our lively and upbeat costumed entertainers. If you are located in cities such as San Jose, San Francisco or Sacramento it’s very easy to take your children’s party or event to the next level!
If you’re not in the California area that we cater too personally, you can rent any of our life like costumes and have it delivered to your house. Feel free to us a call and have your order at your doorstep and ready for use for up too four days.