Have a A Yo Gabba Gabba Kids’ Birthday Party Theme!
Kids LOVE having a Yo Gabba Gabba mascot costume character at their birthday party! It’s super easy to rent one of these friendly and fun Yo Gabba children’s parties mascot costumes. FUNFACTORYPARTIES.COM will ship you ANY of the Yo Gabba costume characters to your door for $125 each! We ship anywhere in the USA. If you are having a Yo Gabba theme kids party in California, we can even have one of our costume character mascot performers come to your house and do a yo Gabba theme birthday show for the kids! Give us a call at 888-501-4FUN for parties anywhere in Los Angeles or Orange County party rentals for kids. We also offer plenty of great children’s birthday parties entertainment in San Diego, San Jose Sacramento and San Francisco!
Have you had enough of those kids’ parties at the run-of-the-mill bounce house? Are you tired of going to the kids parties where the kids are ushered from one room to the next, where there are 4
parties at a time? What about those parties where the kids are climbing all over the place and one kid is coughing all over the play equipment and your child is the next in line!? Maybe now is the time
to bring delight to your child’s face in the comfort of your home or back yard. For great kids party entertainment in Los Angeles, san diego or Orange County California there are so many choices available through for great children’s birthday party entertainment.
Whether you choose a magician or clown, or if your child happens to be a fan of anything related to Yo Gabba Gabba kid’s parties,
just bring on Brobee and Foofa and Muno and Plex and Toodee and let the fun begin! For any child that LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba, having a birthday party with these party characters will
be unforgettable. Imagine this, your little one, who probably knows every episode of Yo Gabba Gabba backwards and forwards and maybe even acts like DJ Lance Rock, dressed up in her favorite party clothes, surrounded by her little friends, and when she turns around there is Foofa and Brobee. Picture the sheer joy. This will be a party she will never forget. She, along with her friends will be transported to Gabba Land for a Yo Gabba fun day filled with singing and dancing.
In addition to the Yo Gabba Gabba characters you could always add a magician or maybe pony rides to the day’s festivities. The options for an in-home party are endless. Imagine Foofa riding on
a pony?!!! Well Foofa may not want to go on a pony ride, in fact, Foofa may be bigger than the pony! but after some singing and dancing with the Yo Gabba Gabba crew the party girl may just love a pony ride and so will her friends.
There are so many options to consider when planning a party for your child. What are her likes as far as characters, animals, would she like a magician, and what characters does she like? If she
likes Yo Gabba Gabba, then get some characters from the show, and of course don’t forget the matching cake – maybe with Muno smiling – because that smile will match your daughter’s smile
after a day of fun-filled festivities.